Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are goals and indicators that are universal targets agreed upon by countries that are members of the United Nations. SDGs goal 6.1 of Clean Water and Sanitation is to achieve access to universal and safe drinking water that is safe and affordable for all and to expand international cooperation and support capacity building for developing countries in activities or programs related to clean water and sanitation, including water resource maintenance, desalination, water efficiency, wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse technologies. This implies the need to increase the coverage of the drinking water supply system (SPAM) to be able to achieve the SDGs targets. In addition, the availability of adequate and sustainable infrastructure is an urgent need to support the implementation of national development in order to improve the economy and community welfare, as well as to increase Indonesia's competitiveness in the global order. The development of drinking water services is closely related to the development of drinking water infrastructure and facilities in the form of capacity building of the piped drinking water supply system (SPAM) core facilities. The program to increase the capacity of the core drinking water facilities is based on efforts to fulfill community water needs in achieving 100% access to water services drink according to SDG's.
Water is an important compound for ecosystems, but if the availability of water is excessive or reduced, it can cause various problems. For this reason, water must be managed wisely holistically integrated approach. Integrated means attachment to various aspects. for integrated water resources requires the involvement of various parties (Kodoatie, 2008, Astuti., et al, 2010). Drinking water treatment plant is the process of reducing the concentration of pollutants in water, thereby improving water quality in order to meet drinking water quality requirements accordingly Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010. The water treatment process consists of operating units and process units which are classified into three, namelyphysical, chemical and biological processing. Types and characteristics of water, water discharge, desired quality of processed products, consideration of ease of operation and maintenance related to the availability of technology and experts as well as economic aspects regarding the costs that must be provided for the construction of the installation and its operational costs are factors that influence the selection of operating units (Reynolds, 1982) (Darmasetiawan, 2004). The water treatment plant indonesia consists of several water treatment units commonly used, namely intake, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and reservoir (Kawamura, 1991). Intake is a building that catches water from raw water sources originating from surface water (rivers or lakes). Its function is to take raw water from the surface and make treatment units (Kawamura, 1991). Coagulation is a process for incorporating small particles into larger aggregates (clumps) and absorbing dissolved organic matter into particulate that this can be removed in the next solid/liquid separator process (Ramadhan, 2016). Flocculation is an important process in the recording process. The slow agitating particle destabilization process carried out in this process aims to form larger flocs (Qasim, 2000). Sedimentation is the separation of solid parts by utilizing the force of gravity so that the solid parts are at the bottom of the pond location, while pure water is on top (Asmadi, 2012). Filtration is the operation of separating a heterogeneous mixture of fluid and solid particles by a filter medium that allows the fluid to pass but holding back solid particles, by passing the fluid through a filter media or septum that can hold solids (Pinalia, 2011).